
Gregor Gleiwitz Born in 1977 in Poland | Lives and works in Berlin


Gregor Gleiwitz

Gregor Gleiwitz

The focus of Gregor Gleiwitz’s painting is the experience of seeing, the act of viewing. Figurations, body forms, and body fragments peel off the densified, differentiated, painted surface of his pictures without ever solidifying into a figure.

Gleiwitz’s painting is characterized by a dynamic play of forms emerging out a common ground and the rendering absolute of this same ground that gathers and units all of the forms. Faceless corporal as well as non-corporal entities appear, look at us and crowd their way out of the picture; hybrids between man and animal, vegetable and mineral, shapes that defy any clear recognition and labeling. Oscillating between substantial and insubstantial, without coming to rest at either the secure pole of abstract form or recognizable figure, the pictures remain poised in a timeless interval between coming into being and dissolution. They are pictures this side of language that deftly elude all ascriptions and confront the linguistic void with a visual density in which no distinctive feature is subordinate to a commonality.

The pictures by Gregor Gleiwitz reveal nothing to us but they persist in their appearance and remain in a state of becoming. Their dense concentration has seemingly sealed them against access by language, which forever sacrifices the state of becoming to the state of being, the openness and potential to the recognizable and labeled.


Solo exhibitions (selection)

2012 Galerie Manzoni Schäper, Berlin
2011 Grafisches Kabinett DĂĽsseldorf, DĂĽsseldorf
Kunstraum Morgenstrasse, Karlsruhe
2009 Grafisches Kabinett DĂĽsseldorf, Offspace Sebastian Riemers
Offspace des Temp1-Projekts in Schererstr. 11, Berlin

Group exhibitions (selection)

2012 SNEAK PEAK-, Artists of Gallery, Galerie Manzoni Schäper, Berlin
2011 Seb Koberstädt, Gregor Gleiwitz im Dok25, Düsseldorf
 Es gibt keinen sicheren Ort, nirgends / Touching The Void, Zeitraumexit, Mannheim
2010 Germanica Humira, Forgotten Bar Projects, Berlin
2009  HĂĽttendong, After The Butcher, Offspace Berlin
2008 Malerei 2008, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster
Menetekel, Clemens Goldbach und Gregor Gleiwitz, Simultanhalle Cologne
2007 el Manifiesto de Santiago, Matucana100 in Santiago de Chile